Toddlers: 18 months to 2 years and 9 months
The Toddler room is a hub of activity. Socialising, exploring, experimenting, dancing and enjoying music are all part of their everyday routine. Toddlers continue to learn through their senses, and we provide many textual play experiences in order to support their development. Many activities in this room will encourage the children’s language development extending their vocabulary.
Our educators develop many opportunities for refining their physical ability using gross motor movements, balance, hand -eye coordination and spatial awareness. Children at this stage are striving to refine their physical skills and to become independent. They may practice skills over and over again in order to become masters of their own abilitie
At this age children are well able to (direct their own learning) assert themselves and we ensure that there are many avenues open to the children to help them express themselves.
Social interaction develops prosocial behavior in this age group. Toddlers are engaged in parallel play (solo play) and are not ready to share and take turns with their friends. We encourage children to interact with each other, have fun, share, take turns, and handle conflict in order to develop these emerging skills. Holistic learning through emergent play-based activities are key for children’s learning at this age.
Got any questions about our Toddler group? Get In touch!
045 448400
Child’s Play Early Education
Co. Kildare
Eircode: W12 VK16